What is the og-aws? It’s a new kind of book (really booklet) crowd-sourced and published on GitHub.  ‘OG’ stands for open guide and the idea is that people who use AWS, but are NOT employees of AWS, have created a curated crib sheet with links to the stuff you really need to know, organized by category (such as ‘high availability’ or ‘billing’…) or by service (i.e. EC2, S3, etc…) and well-indexed so that you can quickly scan and get the USEFUL answer that you need.

Also, attention has been paid to common ‘mistakes’ or ‘gotchas’ when using one or more AWS services and information about mistakes has been provided as well.

There is an associated Slack for the og-aws, click the link at the top of the README.md page on the GitHub Repo to join in.  In the Slack there are active discussions about how best to use AWS services.  Also, the editors of the og-aws (including me) welcome additional community contributions (via GitHub pull requests.)  The editors have written a short guide to contributing — here.

All-in-all, this guide is useful, timely and FREE, so head over to GitHub to check out the og-aws — here.


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