Cloud, google, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2016, Uncategorized

SQL Server on GCP

I recently tried out running SQL Server 2016 on a Google Cloud Platform Windows-based Virtual Machine (GCE – Google Compute Engine Service).

This is a quick way to try out new features of the latest version of SQL Server.  In this case, I wanted to test out the R (language)-in database services.

Although you can certainly ‘click’ in the GCP console to start an instance of SQL Server on GCE,  you may want to script activity (for use with the Google gcloud tool).  To that end, I created a simple script to do this.  Also I added a script to enable and test the R-in database feature.  Here’s a link to my GitHub Repo.

What do you think?  Interested to try this out?  Let me know how it goes for you.



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